I received a copy of THE SEA AND THE SILENCE from the author in exchange for an honest review.
Ireland in the 40's - a time of civil unrest and changing ideas. Ismay (Iz) Seston, born into privilege, comes of age in the tumult. The story takes off in picturesque Monument, showcasing Iz and her family's journey from marriage through the twilight of their lives. In the second half of the novel, author Cunningham flashes back to how Iz grew up, and what circumstances shaped her life.
At first I wasn't sure what to think of the story, but the writing immediately sets itself apart. I appreciate the art that goes into such structure and forethought. The cover art completely complements the tone and theme of the story. Cunningham's characters are true and timeless - relatable yet mysterious.
I read this in two sittings, and was completely surprised by the ending. The structure again assists with the surprise. I felt real emotion, although you will have to find out for yourself if it was happy or sad! I'm not a fan of spoilers. Happy reading. :)
About the Author: http://www.petercunninghambooks.com/
Book Information: http://www.amazon.com/The-Sea-Silence-Peter-Cunningham/dp/1934848328
Goodreads Page: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7103305.Peter_Cunningham
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