
Sunday, May 20, 2018

Bottled by Carol Riggs

First Impression: I haven't read a genie story in a very long time - plus that cover looks magical!

Characters: Clean YA romance themes throughout with a touch of magic. Adeelah is a genie trapped by a sort of magic curse. After centuries of spoiled "masters", she finds one who will change her world. What is most important is the characters each grow and evolve throughout the story, making them come to life.

World Building: Everything was plausible, if yet fantastic. The background of how Adeelah comes by her powers, as well as the impact of her abilities are fully realized in this short book.

Writing Style: This is the third book I've read by this author. Riggs brings a wonderfully new twist on an old story.

What I Enjoyed: I want a sequel. Bottled will likely stay with me, as the relationships and plot were so different from what I've read lately. I wanted to pick this book up every chance I had, which speaks to its magic.

Deal Benders: I'm not sure of the intended audience. If written for YA, there are violent themes I would suggest for adults only.

Overall Rating: 4.5 stars for this short gem of a story. I wish for another installment, so now you have to write one - right?

For Fans Of: Aladdin, Harry Potter

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